Pied Piper Music Together

by MHSjennie on October 23, 2017

We are a little over half way through our music session with Pied Piper Music Together Classes. Bennett is absolutely having a blast! It is nice for us to have mommy and Bennett time since one on one time is not an easy thing in our house!

During class, Miss Sheri always has an instrument free play time. The kids can pick out of a large bin of instruments that they can play and experiment with. She also has two different instruments or something to play with during songs like scarves, bells, or sticks. During class, you sing and move to songs, sometimes sitting and connecting with your child in a fun way or getting up and dancing, twirling or jumping to the beat. We know the songs really well now since we got a CD at the beginning of the session that we listen to in the car.

Pied Piper Music Together

Pied Piper Music Together

Two things I really enjoy during class is that Miss Sheri lets the kids pick how they will play the sticks or how they will move so that they feel in control. She also gives parent tips called Parent Education Moments, so that you can take what you are learning in class and practice music with your child throughout the week.

Overall, Bennett has had a great time and loves singing his songs in the car and in class. It is great sharing in these moments with him before he starts school. It goes by sooooo fast!!

If you are interested in trying out a class first, you can schedule a time with Miss Sheri to drop in for a FREE class!!! 

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