
Use Up Those Thanksgiving Day Leftovers

by Jennie December 2, 2011

chicken broth

We had Thanksgiving at our new house this year so we had a lot of leftovers to go through! You really can only eat turkey, stuffing, casseroles etc. so long before you get sick of it! We ate through everything but the turkey and I wanted to try and get creative with what we had […]


Sweet Potato Fries

by Jennie November 24, 2011

Sweet potato fries

Happy Turkey Day!!! I am celebrating this morning by running the 10k turkey trot…. I may be having a car come and wheel me away because, although I am ashamed to admit it, I haven’t trained at all for this race. Having run a 10k before I know how brutal it can be so I […]

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Turkey Gumbo… Jambalaya?!

by Jennie November 30, 2010

We have another episode of “What did Jennie really make for dinner”??!!! Last week I talked about wanting to use my leftover turkey to make a gumbo and it turned out more like a soup- still yummy so not a huge deal! Well, we brought the turkey for our “second thanksgiving” also and so I […]


Happy Thanksgiving

by Jennie November 25, 2010

We weren’t sure about posting today… being Thanksgiving and all! BUT, we thought back to some of our turkey dinners in the past… if you are reading this right now then you know what we are talking about! You may be bored to death with the company that you turn to your other mommy friends […]


Paper Turkey Thanksgiving Craft

by Jennie November 25, 2010

Make Your Own Turkey You will need: (makes 4 turkeys) Paper towel tube, cut in half brown construction paper for body colored construction paper for feathers tape glue googly eyes -Center a tube on a piece of brown paper.  Roll the paper over the tube and glue (or tape). Cut slits 1/4 in apart on […]