Drama For Beginners at The Cincinnati Children’s Theatre: Part 2

by MHSjennie on August 7, 2017

You can check out the first post in this 3 part series about my Niece’s journey at The Cincinnati Children’s Theatre taking Beginner Drama classes

The Cincinnati Children's Theatre

My daughter is now midway through her acting journey in the Cincinnati Children’s Theatre drama for beginners class. So far she has learned how to become any animal on cue, freeze like a statue, or walk through a land of honey. Skylar may not know what the word “improv” means, but she’s doing it every week with a group of her peers! The class uses age appropriate games which are actually acting exercises. For instance the “night watchman” game teaches them about space awareness on the stage, between them and their fellow actors.

The Cincinnati Children's Theatre

The Cincinnati Children's Theatre

I have been very impressed with the way this class has stuck with her, whether we are out or at home. Her imagination seems to be running wild with ideas of things she can become and lands she can experience on an almost visceral level. I had concerns the high energy class could be a little overwhelming for my particular child, but it seems to be what sets in after leaving that has been the most enjoyable part of the entire experience.

The Cincinnati Children's Theatre

Skylar loves her teacher and she is always excited to bring her acting exercises from the classroom back to our living room! We are getting close to the final performance and each child has been able to choose what character they want to be and how they want that character shared with the audience. The teacher then diligently worked out a script custom fit for each child’s character and has laid out a wide array of costumes and accessories to make the children pop on stage. So with the final preparations coming together, the children’s excitement has built to an almost palpable level! Now, with much anticipation, we get to see what our tiny actors have in store for us…stay tuned!  

This post is sponsored by The Cincinnati Children’s Theatre. Thanks for reading! 

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