Thanksgiving/Fall Kid Friendly Crafts

by Jennie on November 18, 2010

We have a few more easy and fun fall craft ideas for ya thanks to mama Jenny!! We LOVE when you share your goodies with us so we can share them on the blog for all to see!

Turkey hands:  Trace their hands on brown construction paper & cut out. Take fall colored construction paper and cut them to look like feathers- I used scissors that have a wave shape (sold at craft stores). Glue to finger cut outs. On the thumb, take a piece of red to make a gobbler and orange for a beak.  You can let the kids color or decorate their turkeys with glitter! I did several with Cody and we are going to use them as place cards for Thanksgiving! I wrote his name, age and date on the back so the family can each take one home as a little gift!

turkey hand craft

Hand print wreaths: Take a piece of cardstock and put paint on paper plates and let the kids smear their hands in it and place all over the paper, overlapping colors however they want, wiping hands after each color. Once dry, take a compass and make a circle as big as the paper allows for and then a smaller one in the center and cut out.

Construction paper wreaths:  Take paper plates and cut a center whole out and take pieces of construction paper in fall colors (using your wavy shears to cut them into pieces) and let the kids glue away!

You can also buy crafts on the cheap from Amazon. I am obsessed with Amazon as I can get free shipping on orders over $35 and it comes right to my doorstep! EASY PEASY! Don’t forget to check out Family Fun with links to fun printables for the kids, other craft ides, children workshops and more! What is your favorite fall craft?

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