Staying Healthy While Traveling

by MHSjennie on November 9, 2017

It is so hard to stay healthy while traveling! Every exit has an abundance of fast food restaurants to choose from and who doesn’t love to splurge?! The older my kids are getting, the more aware I am of the food choices I make. I really do want to set a good example of how to live a healthy, but also balanced life. I likes this guest post because it had some great ideas on ways to stay healthy while traveling!

“Children and adults eat a third of their calorie allotments while choosing food away from home. That doesn’t mean you eat out for one of every three meals. It means that when you do eat out, you choose more calorie-dense foods than you would cook for yourself at home. You might not realize you’re doing it, either, because people tend to underestimate calorie contents of restaurant food by as much as half. Since you mostly eat out when on vacation, it makes perfect sense that people gain weight and feel unhealthy during fun times away from home.

As a parent, you can do several things to help your family stay healthy while traveling. Replace juice, alcohol, and sugary drinks with water. People tend to get dehydrated on vacation, anyway, so extra water never hurts. Pack car snacks like peanuts and popcorn, or a cooler filled with hummus and veggies. The food you buy on the road is usually bad for you. Book a hotel room with a kitchen so you can do some of your own cooking.

Pantry Snack BIn

Indulging while on vacation is okay! Eating a delicious meal at a well-known restaurant is part of the fun. Keep on track with the rest of your choices so that single wonderful meal doesn’t make you feel guilty, bloated, or heavier. Remember to exercise, whether that means doing a lot of walking or visiting your hotel’s gym. Get more tips from the Eating Hacks: Family Vacations quiz from Health IQ so you can conquer food and nutrition on your next trip.  And check out more quizzes from Health IQ by visiting their daily health quiz page.”

Health IQ>Health>Quiz>Vacation Eatting Hacks

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