Spending time in the Community

by Jennie on February 25, 2013

I have ALWAYS been a social girl. I love meeting new people, trying new things and just feeling like I am apart of something. One of the reasons we chose to move to Mason is because of the community. There is so much to do and things you can be involved in and you just have to step out your front door. This weekend I had a great time just celebrating within my community!!

Friday night we had a fun family night out.  It was supposed to be date night, but little Grayson had a terrible cold and all he wanted was mama. I didn’t want to leave him with the sitter so we made the best of it and turned it into family night :) Dinner at Dewey’s Pizza and then off to Graeters…YUMMO!!!!

On Saturday afternoon I met up with my local blogging community for an early lunch. Yes, there are a TON of us who are local and we FINALLY all got together in the same place to show some love to each other :) (thanks to Melissa at Stockpiling Moms for putting it all together)!!! We had some delicious pizza, salad and desserts from LaRosa’s and what was even cooler is that our meet up was in the original LaRosa’s on Boudinot. It was gorgeous! They have stained glass windows throughout, separate party rooms for corporate events or birthday parties and so many history pieces in the restaurant. You can see Kim and I sitting at Buddy’s Booth below, which you can reserve with a party of 15! It was wonderful being able to connect with other local bloggers and share tips and tricks and support one another!!

buddy larosa

By the time I got home, the kids were itching to get out of the house and the weather was gorgeous so we went to a park near our house. The kids had fun playing on the playground and riding their bikes. SOOOO looking forward to the summer, warm weather and sunshine!!!

park with the kids

park with the kids

I had a girls night in on saturday night with my local church sistas! A friend of mine put on a BEAUTIFUL party with the theme being JOY! I had so much fun getting to know the women of my church and we all had a blast talking, eating and playing JOY filled games :)

We had a great time Sunday at Kings High School watching Rumpelstiltskin put on by the Frisch Marionette Company. They put on puppet shows for the kiddos at different locations in the community.  The shows are geared towards kids ages 4 and up, but the show was so good it kept Grayson’s attention the entire time :) They only charge $2 per person and kids 2 and under are FREE!!! You all know how much mama loves a good dealio! Skidaddles was there offering FREE face painting as an extra bonus. The puppeteer came out before the show to give the kids a little lesson on how the puppets work and they brought out the puppets after for a meet and greet. I would highly recommend taking the kids to one of these. They will love it! You can see Cody below with one of the puppets after the show. You can see we had our class mascot Gus with us this weekend. Each kid gets to take him home several times throughout the year and you get pics of them with Gus everywhere you go to put in the class book. As you can see, Gus is enjoying the puppets as well :)

Frisch Marrionetter Company

I had a great weekend spending time with my family and there is nothing like supporting and getting involved in your local community! What are your favorite things to around where you live?

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