What Was I Thinking?!

by Jennie on January 12, 2011

It took me a while to go to college… in a nutshell (with a few parts left out), I moved out of my moms house at 18 and was living on my own. I had to work FT so I could support myself and I didn’t have the money for school. I saved up for several years, paid my way through my associates degree. I thought I would go into counseling, but it really didn’t work out for me so I found Respiratory Therapy. This was a great living, helping people which I love and a two year program (another associates). Long in short, once I graduated from respiratory school I had two associates and although I have a great career I have always wanted my Bachelors.

When Cody was six months old, Steve and I decided it was time for me to be a stay at home mommy. SO…. I figure now is as good a time as any to go back to school. You heard me!! I am GOING BACK TO SCHOOL! Classes started yesterday and I logged into my computer (I am taking online classes) and I thought to myself… WHAT AM I THINKING?! After taking some deep breaths and talking with some friends I think I have it all under control! I have my school binder all organized and pretty, which always makes me feel better :) Avoiding school debt also makes me feel a lot better; Bargain Life has a great write-up on preventing this financial burden.

My challenge now is to work this new “adventure” into my everyday life and try not to go crazy over this little addition :) This is my weekly reminder to you to do the same!! We are always taking on new challenges, whether it is school, a new job, another child, a new pet. As women we always feel like we can do it all, but remember to take a time out for yourself. We are no good to those around us unless we fill our cup up as well. TAKE TIME FOR YOU!

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jenny January 12, 2011 at 4:13 am

That's awesome Jennie!! Kudos to you!! If you need any help with anything, Cody, whatever, just let me know!!


Jeanne Stanton January 17, 2011 at 7:38 pm

Get up girl! I am very proud of you! Hang in there! I wish you were taking the class with me at St. Rita's but I know you are stretched thin with so much going on. So far the classes are amazing. Our instructor is deaf – imagine taking that class, pretty cool. But I know you are busy teaching Mr Cody and learning yourself. Hope to catch up soon and also hope your classes are going well! ♥ J


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