DIY Beauty Products

by Jennie on November 3, 2010

I LOVE DIY anything so when mama Jenny emailed us this article I couldn’t wait to share! We have done one post so far on using products from your kitchen to make yourself beautiful (!) and we will continue to bring them to you as we find them. Not only is it good on your pocket book, but also good for you and the environment because you know what ingredients you are using! Thanks for the info Shine!

Olive Oil

“Keep a plastic ketchup bottle (the kind you see in old diners) filled with olive oil in your bathroom. Add a few drops of lavender oil (or whatever fragrance you prefer). After exfoliating, pat your skin until it’s almost dry, then massage a small amount of oil all over your body. Result? Skin like velvet. After your hair is dry, massage a few drops of oil in your palms and, bending over, scrunch a bit of it into the ends.”  I think it is crazy that you can use olive oil for a moisturizer! I wonder if it clogs pores?? Check out our other post to read more of the benefits of using olive oil.


“There are so many things you can do with lemon juice (preferably freshly squeezed). Soak your nails in them (without polish) to reduce yellowing, and brush your teeth with a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice for whiter teeth. And best of all, take a tablespoon or two of freshly squeezed lemon juice and mix into a tall glass of warm water. Drink it before ingesting anything else, first thing in the morning. It’s a great way to hydrate and jump-start your system.” I really want to try the teeth whitening alternative :)  Click here for additional info on using lemons for household cleaning.


“Yogurt is a highly effective treatment for the common skin condition rosacea. It has the ability to soften the skin while calming the redness — especially after eating something spicy or enjoying a little too much heart-healthy red wine. Simply apply it as a mask, and leave on for about 15 minutes. Rinse, and apply a light layer of olive oil.” Pretty cool huh?! See our post on how to make your own yogurt so you know exactly what is going on your face!

Parsley & Mint

“Bad breath is common, and usually avoidable. Steer clear of the store-bought mouth rinses and gargles, as they tend to make matters worse. Simply brush your tongue when you brush your teeth, drink lots of water to keep your mouth hydrated and chew on a few sprigs of parsley or mint, since studies have shown that these freshen breath instantly. Keep a plastic bag filled with the sprigs in your purse at all times.” Even better, you can grow your own in a container!

Apple Cider Vinegar

“Exfoliating is one of the best things we can do for our skin. Chemical peels done at your dermatologist’s office are highly effective, though often expensive. But a simple application of apple cider vinegar works, too. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply all over the face, keeping away from the eyes; leave on for at least 45 minutes. After you rinse, follow with a light application of olive oil.” I am so stoked about this. I have always wanted to try a peel but too scared to do it. This may be a great alternative!

Green Tea Bags

“Green tea is one of the best things you can drink (along with lots of water, and red wine (YES!)  in moderation). For a great de-puffing eye treatment, try soaking a few bags in water and sticking them in the freezer. Place on your eyes, lower the lights and … relax.” Sounds like heaven to me :) I am doing this WHILE drinking my red wine!!!

Have anything to add to the list? We would love to hear your ideas! Don’t forget to take care of yourself this week! You are doing a great job and you deserve it!!! Check out our Inspire Me page for a little pick me up and send us your stories!

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