Sponsored Video: Help Project Sunlight!

by Jennie on November 20, 2013

If any of you follow on facebook, you probably saw that I posted about a mission my church is on right now. Each week this month has been dedicated to helping those in need. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and this past weekend was donating money to help put wells in other parts of our world so ALL PEOPLE have the ability to drink CLEAN water.

If you know me at all, you know I am not a news girl and I do like to stay in my little bubble. Frankly, it just makes me cry to think about all the crazy things going on  in this world. BUT, sitting at church, I just couldn’t change the channel or turn off the radio. As I sat there and listened to my pastor, I realized that people, children, moms, dads, brothers and sisters, were dying all over the world because they don’t have clean water to drink. They don’t have the luxuries of letting the hot shower run on a cold day or getting deliciously cold water to drink whenever they are thirsty. One of the joys I have is seeing the kids running through the sprinkler or having a water fight with the hose and there are thousands upon thousands of kids who will never get to experience that…. they aren’t even getting their basic need of having water to drink when thirsty.

It is amazing how God works because a company we work with sent us this video and asked if we would want to get the word out about Project Sunlight and I immediately jumped at the opportunity! This post is sponsored by Unilever, but I am totally on board with what they are trying to do and there is no better time to help than the present! Please take 4 minutes to watch this video and hop on their Facebook page to see what others are doing to help the cause!! You may just find something that sparks your helping itch and move into action!!

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