The Sneezy Wheezy Day Children’s Book

by Jennie on January 31, 2012

Imagine my surprise and delight to see a Children’s book cross my path that is about a brother cub who isn’t feeling well and his sister cub tries to help heal him of his cold by rummaging through the forest in search of help from other friends who offer silly home remedies. In the end, your kids will take from this wonderfully fun book that the best remedy is a sibling’s love!

Luke loved this book and kept asking to go back and look at the pictures! It’s a really fun read as one friend even tells the brother cub “Tickle your nose with tail of a goose and do it before the next blue moon rise!”. In the midst of winter sickness at its peak, it’s wonderful to have a book to read and teach siblings the best thing they can give their sick brother or sister is a little love…or even how they can comfort a sick friend! Yes, medications can help you feel better but kids always remember the love and comfort they are given the most when they are unwell. This book is full of great teachable moments for your kids!

This book is written by nurse and mom of three, Sharon Cramer, The Sneezy Wheezy Day is the third installment of the Cougar Club Tales. What I love especially about this book is the pictures, which are done in watercolor and took her between 18-24 hours to create! This book just came out January 1st, 2012 and costs $14.95. To get your own head over to Amazon and check it out for yourself! Be sure to “look inside” the pages and take a peak at those wonderful illustrations!

What do you remember most about feeling comforted when you were unwell as a kid? Mom’s chicken noodle soup? Mine is the Sprite my Dad would bring home for me (we never got soda as kids!) and how great it tasted when I was sick! I heard one Mom recently say she put her kids blankets in the dryer with a little lavender and then gives it to her sick child which always cheers them up – I love that idea and will definitely be trying that out next time Luke isn’t well!

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Sharon Cramer January 31, 2012 at 11:48 pm

I'm am so glad you liked the book! and thank you so much, it means so much to me, that you would post the review. As an author, I really appreciate you taking the time and thought to post your impression. That's awesome, and thank you so much! Sincerely, Sharon


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