Dr. Bill Sears LOVES Juice Plus+! And Here is Why . . .

by Jenny Combs on February 20, 2013

When I was first introduced to Juice Plus+, the product sounded great and did, right of the bat, make a lot of sense to me.  With a background in nutrition, I understood the science behind the product and loved that it was a “whole food product” which makes it completely different from a “multi-vitamin”. (which I’m not a big fan of)   That being said, I did want to do my research prior to putting Juice Plus in my families bodies (:   Not only was I impressed with all the gold standard research which shows that Juice Plus does what they say it does, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how many well known and well respected, reputable health professionals recommend Juice Plus+.   As a fan of Dr. Bill Sears, it was just an added bonus to learn that Juice Plus is the only daily supplement that he  takes himself and the only nutritional product he recommends to his patients!

Here is the story behind Dr Sear’s Juice Plus+ experience.  I hope you’ll enjoy hearing it straight from Dr Bill himself (:  (If  you have any questions, please feel free to contact me @ jenniferacombs @ hotmail (dot) com or click here.)

From:  askdrsears.com

“Juice Plus+® is the only daily supplement I personally take.”

— Dr. Bill Sears

Do I feel passionate about this product? Yes! Here’s why.

Each morning I put a scoopful of Juice Plus+ Complete® into my fruit and yogurt smoothie. Every day I take my Fruit and Veggie Juice Plus+® Capsules, and dole out Juice Plus+® to our kids in the form of chewables (soft) and capsules according to their age and taste. Then I go to my office and recommend the Juice Plus+® Children’s Health Study to the families in my pediatric practice.

In April of 1997 I underwent major surgery for colon cancer, followed by a long course of radiation and chemotherapy. Realizing that colon cancer, and all major diseases for that matter, are influenced by diet, I was determined not to let my medical problem repeat itself. So I began devouring medical literature on the connection between diet and health. During the year following my surgery, I read volumes about nutrition, subscribed to every nutrition journal I could find, put together a collection of over 500 file folders about food, and became what my friends tagged a “health nut.” About three months into my new style of eating I noticed some amazing changes. My energy level skyrocketed, prompting my wife Martha to call me “Zip.” We stepped up our ballroom dancing and even beat some of the younger couples in the swing contest. My mind was working better, too. I just plain felt good all over – mind and body – and finally learned what it is to experience real well-being. Too bad I had to get sick in order to learn to eat right instead of eating right to keep from getting sick.

Why was I feeling so good? The answer seemed clear: I was putting the right fuel into my body that made it run better. At that time – as a father of eight, author of 28 books, and a pediatrician at the peak of his career – I was going to do everything I could to keep my health up and not let the cancer reoccur. Talk about motivation! During my quests for what constitutes good health I devoured books and articles about supplements and discovered that one of the secrets of good health is to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain thousands of disease-fighting chemicals called “phytonutrients.” I call them “phytos” for short. The same phytos that help keep the plants healthy help keep our bodies healthy. Even thousands of years ago Hippocrates said, “let food be thy medicine.” As I studied the parade of supplements out there, I concluded that whatever supplement I take must have good science and make good sense.

That’s how I came across Juice Plus+®. It had good science behind it and made good sense – a whole food based supplement! Whole foods, a bunch of the healthiest fruits and vegetables, juiced and dried at low temperatures, removing the water and most of the sugar, salt and bulk. These nutritious juice powders are then put into capsules and chewables! Intrigued by this concept of packaged phytos, I realized that my life depended upon eating the right foods and taking the right supplements. So, I did my life-saving detective work. While visiting the company where Juice Plus+® is made I saw firsthand the care and quality that went into this product. In examining their independent research I discovered that researchers had measured the blood levels and found that disease-fighting “phytos” go way up after taking Juice Plus+® – and they had published their results in a peer-reviewed medical journal. This was a vital discovery since it’s not what’s on the package label that’s important, it’s how much gets into the body. Finally I grilled the company executives. They were honorable people. The combination of good science, good sense, and a reputable company convinced me that this would be my supplement of choice.

Since taking Juice Plus+® daily and following an overall healthy eating and exercise program I have not even had so much as a cold, even though my wonderful little patients share their germs with me everyday. The parents of children who are sick a lot often thank me: “Since my children have been taking Juice Plus+® they haven’t been sick as often.” Juice Plus+® is now the only whole food based supplement I take. I’m pleased to recommend the joy of taking Juice Plus+® to everyone who takes their health seriously.

To order Juice Plus+® capsules or any other Juice Plus+® product, click here.

Do your children get sick all the time?

Do you frequently feel tired and run-down?

Is it nearly impossible to get your children to eat fruits and vegetables?

Are you lacking the recommended 7-13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day?

If the answer to any of these is yes, then Juice Plus+® is extremely important for you and your family.

For many years the National Institutes of Health, the American Cancer Society, the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and every other national health association has emphasized the importance of eating at least five servings of raw fruits and vegetables every day. The health benefits of this are numerous, including:

  • Protection against cancer
  • Stronger immune system
  • Prevention of chronic illness
  • Protection against heart disease
  • Slows down the effects of aging


These benefits are not only due to vitamins and minerals, but also from the enzymes, antioxidants, phytonutrients, and fiber contained within the raw fruits and vegetables. There are many more potential benefits of these nutrients such as improved intellectual function, better eyesight, and increased energy level. In short, our bodies simply function more efficiently.

How many of us actually eat 7-13 servings of raw fruits and vegetables every day? Some Americans may eat an orange with breakfast and maybe an apple with lunch. We are pretty good at making sure we finish our one or two cooked vegetables at dinnertime. However, virtually all of us fall far short of the quantity of fruits and vegetables we need to protect us from cancer, chronic disease, infection, high cholesterol, and heart disease. Very few of us are receiving the nutrition required to help our bodies run smoothly and efficiently and to maximize our potential for a healthy life.

It is difficult to get adults to consume their share of fruits and vegetables, but trying to coax children – from toddlerhood through the teenage years – to eat enough of them is nearly impossible. Many parents worry about their two-year-old who barely seems to eat anything at all or about their busy teenager-on-the-go who doesn’t even sit down to eat. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables can maximize the physical and intellectual development of our children as they grow through the school-age years.

What is Juice Plus+®? Juice Plus+® is more than extra vitamins and minerals. It is actually a whole food based supplement. The fruit capsules are made from apples, oranges, pineapples, cranberries, peaches, cherries, papayas. The vegetable capsules are made from carrots, parsley, beets, kale, broccoli, cabbage, oat bran, rice bran, spinach, and tomatoes.

How is Juice Plus+® made? The fresh fruits and vegetables are juiced, then dehydrated to a powder form. It’s carefully tested to ensure no pesticides or other contaminants are present in the product. It is never exposed to high temperatures that would destroy the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables. Most of the vitamins, minerals, active plant enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fiber are preserved in the final capsules. When re-hydrated with water, the nutrients are absorbed into our bodies as if we had eaten the fruits and vegetables whole.

Is Juice Plus+® as good as eating fruits and vegetables? There’s no complete substitute for eating the real thing. But how many people actually eat such a wide variety of raw fruits, vegetables and grains every single day? Juice Plus+® is a convenient way to ensure you and your family get all the benefits over time from adding more nutrition from fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

But my child already takes a multi-vitamin. Why does she need Juice Plus+®? Juice Plus+® is not a vitamin supplement which contain, at best, only a small number of pre-selected antioxidants. It is a whole food based supplement containing nutrition from the thousands of antioxidants and other nutrients found in fruits and vegetables. Some children may need vitamin supplementation, but every child needs Juice Plus+®.

Is there any scientific proof that Juice Plus+® really works? To my knowledge, no other nutritional product in history has been subjected to as rigorous scientific investigations as Juice Plus+®, which has been investigated by scores of scientists at leading hospitals and universities all over the world. The results of 12 such studies have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals – and numerous other studies are currently underway. The published studies indicate that Juice Plus+® delivers key antioxidants that are absorbed by the body, reduces oxidative stress, promotes cardiovascular wellness in several ways, helps support a healthy immune system, and helps protect DNA.

This all may sound complicated, but the simple truth is that Juice Plus+® is the best way to get your entire family to reap more of the healthful benefits of a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables. Juice Plus+® comes in two forms:

  • capsules: adults or children
  • chewables: adults or children


I am very excited about Juice Plus+® and have seen the benefits in myself and my children. Start your family on Juice Plus+® today and see the benefits over a lifetime!

To Your Good Health,

Dr. Bill, Dr. Bob, and Dr. Jim

To order Juice Plus+® capsules or any other Juice Plus+® product, click here.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Sherry AKA city chic on a farm February 22, 2013 at 3:15 pm

I LOVE JP+ too! We’ve been taking it for 2 years now and boy what a difference! I take the capsules along with my two older sons, and my younges son loves the chewables. I can tell an energy difference, as well as less sickness within our household. I would highly recomment it to anyone. Thanks for the informational post! I learned even more by reading it!


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