Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

by Jennie on November 2, 2011

We had a pretty exciting weekend.

First, we went to Disney on Ice which was amazing!! Me, Cody and Daddy went so it was a nice treat for Cody to get some one on one time with us and get some special Cody time :) He has been doing such a good job as a big brother that I knew I wanted to take him somewhere magical just for him. He helps me with Grayson when I am busy- getting his paci, or putting on his music or just keeping him company. It really has been such a joy to see them interact with one another. I can’t wait to see the dynamic between the two as they grow and I am sure the fighting will be starting soon enough!! BUT, until then, I will enjoy the sweetness between them as brothers! With that being said, I thought Disney on Ice would be the perfect place. Cody STILL talks about the circus so I knew that he would enjoy this just as much. I remember going as a kid, so as Mickey came skating out on the ice, I started tearing up…. I know, cheesy and weird, but there was just something so heartfelt remembering my memories of this as a kid and now being able to share it with my son. It was GREAT!!!

Disney On Ice

Cody couldn’t wait to get to our seats!

Disney On Ice

We were SO close!! We could see it all!

Then, we had HALLOWEEN! Cody went out last year as Frankenstein at my parents house and did go house to house, but it was SO much better this year because he really understood what was going on. Kim and her fam and my parents came over to celebrate in the festivities and we had a BLAST! We ordered Pizza and I made some desserts and  the boys drank apple cider. Not sure if they liked it or not… it does have a distinct taste!

Happy Halloween

Rocket Man and Tigger!


A Wonderful Thing About Tiggers…..!

My Fam

My Fam :)

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

My little reindeer was a trooper after a long and chilly night!

Cody was tigger and after getting all dressed, bounced his way out of the house and into the neighborhood, ready to go! We TRIED getting a couple of pics of the boys together, but they were so excited to get going they didn’t want to sit still and then Luke looked at Kim and said, “Mommy, I think that is enough”! Seriously, are these boys really only 2!? They crack me up!! We went around the neighborhood and they made it pretty far before they hitched a ride in the wagon :) Grayson was snug as a bug in his stroller! We ended the night with hot cocoa. YUM!!!

I did attempt two desserts which I told you I would share how they turned out and IF they were worth making. YES and YES! I made a pumpkin roll for the first time and although I was a little stressed after reading how easily they can crack, it really wasn’t that hard and it tasted yummy!!

Pumpkin Roll Recipe

This really was SO yummy!

Here is the recipe I used for the Pumpkin Roll. Few things I found out:

  • You can use a cookie sheet with raised edges if you don’t have a jelly roll pan
  • If you let it cook too long or cool to long you run the risk of it cracking. No worries though, just had a lot of powdered sugar over the roll after you cut it and no one can tell :)
  • I also love to watch videos to help me cook and this was a great one that showed you a step by step how to
  • Freezes well, although I wouldn’t recommend making two of them if it is your first time. Just focusing on getting comfortable with it the first time!
Overall, it was super yummy and pretty easy!! Trust me, if I can do this, you can TOO!!
The other dessert I made was Candy Corn Sugar Cookies. These were SOOO easy and SUPER CUTE! This website walks you through step by step instructions with pics so I decided not to reinvent the wheel. There is nothing to this recipe and her pics make it super easy to follow along!
Candy Corn Sugar Cookies

How cute are these?!

Few things I found out:
  • To make it easy on yourself you can buy pre-made sugar cookie dough so all you have to do is add your eggs, oil and water
  • Make a double batch of your sugar cookie dough so your layers are thick enough
  • Each of my 3 “batches” once I separated them equaled about 1 cup
  • I had mine in the freezer for about 45 minutes to harden and then I put them in the fridge until I was ready to cut them
  • Halfway through cutting and cooking, I did have to put my dough back in the freezer for a couple of minutes just to harden up a little
  • I didn’t have enough time to do the white chocolate with sprinkles, but I did dip them in sugar and it made them sparkle after they had been cooked :)
  • I have the leftover scraps of dough in the fridge and I am going to let Cody roll out the day, break out the cookie cutters and go to town. Come on, you know I am not going to let any cookies go to waste!!
Overall, very good and easy to make!
It isn’t too late to make either of these because both can be used for Thanksgiving :) My only advice is to make the desserts the day before the big event to save yourself some stress. Although they were easy to make, it was time-consuming and Cody and I spent most the day cooking :) Although I love to cook, I was exhausted by the end of the day!
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Do you have any good easy holiday recipes??


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