It’s That Time of Year Again

by Jennie on October 13, 2010

Flu season is quickly approaching and my germaphobia (I know, it isn’t a real word….) is kicking in full gear. We need to protect our kids, but also ourselves! Remember, as much as we want to take care of everyone else (always before ourselves), we are no good to our family if we end up getting sick… SO take care of you!!!

Here are some of my favorite ways you can protect your family from the nasties:

  • Wash those hands! Number One BEST way to cut down on the germs. Don’t forget to sing your ABC’s OR better yet- sing Happy Birthday to yourself twice (trust me, it just makes ya feel good!)
  • If hand washing is not feasible, hand sani is another great option
  • Catch some zzzz’s. That’s right, I know, what’s sleep?! Sleep plays such an important role for our immune system so make sure the fam and YOU are getting some sleep (step away from the laundry basket and go to bed!!).
  • Create an all natural barrier on your skin to protect yourself from the germies: The essential oil, OnGuard, is a natural disinfectant. You can put a few drops in your palm, rub together and smooth over skin, hair and clothes. You can also place a few drops of it in a water bottle and spray the house to disinfect toys, the house etc.

You have taken all preventions and still caught a little somethin’:

  • Give some honey for a cough or sore throat: “Recent studies show that honey is better than cough medicine for relieving coughs and helping a sick child sleep better. “Honey is safe for children age 1 and older, and kids are happy to take it because it tastes good,” says researcher Ian Paul, MD, a member of the AAP’s clinical pharmacology and therapeutics committee. Dark honeys, such as buckwheat, may work best because they’re higher in antioxidants. Give half a teaspoon to children ages 1 to 5 years and one teaspoon to kids ages 6 to 11. But never give honey to babies younger than 1; they can get botulism from bacteria in it.” thanks to
  • For congestion: Neti Pot rocks! It looks funky, but it works!! Essential oils rosemary and eucalyptus can be diffused to relive congestion. I also use eucalyptus rubbed on the chest instead of vicks (check your ingredients and you will see eucalyptus as one of the main ingredients). There are times when essential oils should not be used such as age, pregnancy etc., so do your research!

I am certainly no doctor, but I wanted to share some of the precautions I take for my family. I would love to hear how you try prevent the nasties and what remedies you keep stashed in your back pocket! Stay well!

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